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  • Domestic Violence

    • Domestic Violence - $59.00

    APPROVED for 2 hours of Nursing CE and 2 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Domestic Violence is prevalent in our society and essential for all emergency department clinicians to recognize. This class provides the training necessary to properly screen and assess for domestic or intimate partner violence.  Emphasis is placed on state regulation, patient privacy issues, HIPAA and interface with law enforcement. Our course allows you to learn at your own pace, with new, enhanced content and extensive enrichment resources. The Domestic Violence class is recommended for ALL ED nurses and emergency physicians.

Here's what people are saying

It was just great. She did a wonderful job. The staff is excited. You guys have been great to work with.
Director of Emergency Services - Idaho
The class was great, presenter had great energy and a breadth of knowledge. It was fun and exciting because we could tell that the presenter was passionate about her work.
RN - New Jersey
I would recommend this type of seminar at orientation.
RN - New Hampshire
Very applicable to everyday work.
RN - Texas
They gave an awesome class and I was proud to see that basically it was a refresher for my nurses. The patient satisfaction piece was very helpful. The script phrases were great. I appreciate your services!
Director, Emergency Services - Missouri
Gina was a wonderful teacher. I had no difficulty in getting the course set up. Excellent communication made everything go smoothly.
ED Nurse Manager - Princeton, New Jersey
This was one of the very best workshops I have ever attended.
RN - New York
The instructor was amazing. She is very energetic and presented the material in a fun and relatable manner.
RN - New York
This is how it should be.
RN - California
I recently attended a similar class at the ENA meeting. Yours was much better!
RN - New Hampshire