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  • EMTALA OB Challenges (Nsg CE)

    0 Lessons
    • EMTALA OB Challenges CE - $0.00

    In order to get your CE certificate, you will need to register for the Nursing CE. There are 3 Easy Steps:  1. Click the BUY COURSE button (below), then VIEW CART (top right) and PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. 2. Click the box to Agree to the “Terms” and PLACE ORDER. On the Order Received page, scroll […]

  • EMTALA Transfers (Nsg CE)

    1 Lesson
    • EMTALA Transfers (Nsg CE) - $0.00

    In order to get your CE certificate, you will need to register for the Nursing CE. There are 3 Easy Steps:  1. Click the BUY COURSE button (below), then VIEW CART (top right) and PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. 2. Click the box to Agree to the “Terms” and PLACE ORDER. On the Order Received page, scroll […]

  • EMTALA Update-Nsg CE

    1 Lesson
    • EMTALA Update (Nsg CE) - $0.00

    In order to get your CE certificate, you will need to register for the Nursing CE. There are 3 Easy Steps:  1. Click PURCHASE THIS COURSE (above), then VIEW CART (top right) and PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. 2. Click the box to Agree to the Terms and PLACE ORDER. 3. Scroll down to START COURSE NOW. […]

  • EMTALA On-Call (Nsg CE ONLY)

    1 Lesson
    • EMTALA On-Call (Nsg CE Only) - $0.00

    In order to get your CE certificate, you will need to register for the Nursing CE. There are 3 Easy Steps:  1. Click PURCHASE THIS COURSE (above), then VIEW CART (top right) and PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. 2. Click the box to Agree to the Terms and PLACE ORDER. 3. Scroll down to START COURSE NOW. […]

  • EMTALA Boot Camp-Nsg CE ONLY

    1 Lesson
    • EMTALA Boot Camp-Nsg-CE-ONLY - $0.00

    In order to get your CE certificate, you will need to register for the Nursing CE. There are 3 Easy Steps:  1. Click PURCHASE THIS COURSE (above), then VIEW CART (top right) and PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. 2. Click the box to Agree to the Terms and PLACE ORDER. 3. Scroll down to START COURSE NOW. […]

  • EMTALA Basics Course-Nursing EVAL ONLY (CE)

    1 Lesson
    • EMTALA Basics-Nsg Eval ONLY (CE) - $0.00

    In order to get your CE certificate, you will need to register for the Nursing CE. There are 3 Easy Steps:  1. Click PURCHASE THIS COURSE (above), then VIEW CART (top right) and PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. 2. Click the box to Agree to the Terms and PLACE ORDER. 3. Scroll down to START COURSE NOW. […]

  • ED Triage Essentials (ESI)

    • ED Triage Essentials - $72.00

    ESI Triage Class - APPROVED for 3 hours of Nursing CE. Today's ED Triage Nurse serves a critical role in the Emergency Department. This important class teaches those critical ED patient triage and ED management skills needed to be effective in this hectic and demanding environment. Learn at your own pace, with new, enhanced content. Great for nurses new to triage, and an excellent refresher for experienced ED nurses.

  • ED Nursing Documentation

    • ED Nursing Documentation - $99.00

    For ED Nurses - APPROVED for 2 Hours Nursing CE - This is a crash course in good ED nurse charting. We teach the key clinical, legal, CMS and risk management requirements for proper nursing documentation using real-life examples from the emergency department. The class emphasizes the importance of good nursing documentation for patient care, risk management and proper facility reimbursement. We bridge the gap between good clinical care and proper ED nursing documentation.

  • EMTALA Challenges - Psychiatric

    • EMTALA Psych - $159.00

    NEW! For Physicians - APPROVED for 1.5 AMA Category 1 CME Credits. EMTALA: ED Psychiatric Issues - This advanced EMTALA class addresses the critical issues surrounding the care of Psychiatric patients in the ED. Recent court cases have had a major impact on compliance with these important Federal Regulations. This course provides the latest information needed to navigate the evolving regulatory minefield that is EMTALA. This EMTALA Psychiatric Class is recommended for ED physicians, Psych professionals and key hospital administrative staff.

  • EMTALA Challenges - OB Patients

    • EMTALA-OB - $239.00

    NEW! For OB/Gyn Physicians, L&D Nurses - APPROVED for 1.5 Hours AMA Category 1 CME. EMTALA: OB Patients - Screening of Pregnant Women. This EMTALA class addresses the critical issues surrounding the care of pregnant women in the hospital. Recent court cases have had a major impact on compliance with these important Federal Regulations. This course provides the latest information needed to navigate the evolving regulatory minefield that is EMTALA. This EMTALA OB Class is recommended for all OB/Gyn's, L&D nurses, ED physicians, nurses and key hospital administrative staff.

  • EMTALA Update

    • EMTALA Update - $149.00

    For Physicians - APPROVED for 1.5 hrs AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ - EMTALA Update Class - This Update reviews the basics of EMTALA and then addresses the RECENT CHANGES changes in these important Federal Regulations. It is perfect for those personnel who have familiarity with EMTALA and want to focus on WHAT'S NEW in the law. This course provides the latest information needed to navigate the evolving regulatory minefield that is EMTALA. Emphasis is placed on recent regulatory changes, including the CMS Covid-19 Waiver. This EMTALA Training Class is recommended for ED physicians and key hospital administrative staff.

  • Domestic Violence

    • Domestic Violence - $59.00

    APPROVED for 2 hours of Nursing CE and 2 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Domestic Violence is prevalent in our society and essential for all emergency department clinicians to recognize. This class provides the training necessary to properly screen and assess for domestic or intimate partner violence.  Emphasis is placed on state regulation, patient privacy issues, HIPAA and interface with law enforcement. Our course allows you to learn at your own pace, with new, enhanced content and extensive enrichment resources. The Domestic Violence class is recommended for ALL ED nurses and emergency physicians.

  • ED Behavioral Health

    • ED Behavioral Health - $89.00

    For ED Nurses - APPROVED for 1.5 hours Nursing CE. Behavioral Health is one of the most challenging areas for all ED staff today. These patients face particular hurdles in today’s healthcare system. Our Behavioral Health Course focuses on the specific mental health conditions that are most common in the ED. Students will be able to properly assess each patient, mitigate risk appropriately and provide great care to patients with psychiatric illnesses.

  • EMTALA Basics

    • EMTALA Basics - $79.00

    APPROVED for 1 hr AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ & 1.0 Nursing CE Credits - For All ED Staff. EMTALA Basics Class - This class presents a broad overview of the core concepts of EMTALA. It is designed for hospital personnel who need to develop a general familiarity with EMTALA and the main requirements of these important Federal Regulations. This course provides the latest information needed to understand EMTALA. This EMTALA Training Class is recommended for ALL ED Staff.

  • EMTALA Basics - EMTALA Training for Nurses

    3 Lessons
    • EMTALA Basics-Nursing CE - $79.00

    APPROVED for 1 hr Nursing CE Credits - For All ED Staff. EMTALA Basics Class for Nurses - This class presents a broad overview of the core concepts of EMTALA. It is designed for nurses and other hospital personnel who need to develop a general familiarity with EMTALA and the main requirements of these important Federal Regulations. This course provides the latest information needed to understand EMTALA. This EMTALA Training Class is recommended for ALL ED Staff.

  • EMTALA Training for On-Call Physicians

    • EMTALA for On-Call Physicians - $169.00

    For ALL Medical Staff Physicians - APPROVED for 1 hr AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. This EMTALA On-Call Training Class reviews basic EMTALA knowledge essential for every medical staff physician - and then turns its focus to ON-CALL responsibilities. This course provides the training necessary to comply with the confusing EMTALA mandates that can trigger a violation and investigation. Emphasis is placed on common pitfalls for on-call physicians and uses real-world examples. The EMTALA Class is recommended for ALL physicians with hospital on-call responsibilities and key hospital administrative staff.

  • ED Workplace Violence

    • Workplace Violence - $89.00

    ED Workplace Violence - APPROVED for 1.5 hours of Nursing CE. ED staff regularly experience workplace violence from patients and visitors. OSHA, The Joint Commission, the Emergency Nurses Association, as well as other bodies have encouraged healthcare institutions to focus on a safe work environment. This course will review the rate of violence in the ED, discuss the issue of workplace violence, and provide practical strategies that mitigate the risk of harm to staff.

  • EMTALA Boot Camp

    5 Lessonsin
    • EMTALA Boot Camp - $219.00

    APPROVED for 2 hrs AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. EMTALA Boot Camp is Part 1 of our comprehensive EMTALA training. It provides an overview of all the core knowledge needed for EMTALA and then takes a deep dive into the MEDICAL SCREENING EXAM and STABILIZATION requirements. This class is ideal for those ED staff and hospital administrative personnel with significant ED responsibilities. This course provides the advanced training necessary to fully comply with EMTALA. Emphasis is placed on key regulatory hot-points (seen in audits) using real-world examples. This EMTALA Training Class is recommended for ALL ED Physicians, APPs, ED Nurses and Healthcare Administrators with ED oversight responsibilities.

  • EMTALA - Transfers and Refusals

    4 Lessonsin
    • EMTALA - Safe Transfers and Refusals - $149.00

    APPROVED for 1.5 hrs AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. EMTALA - Safe Transfers and Refusals is Part 2 of our full EMTALA Training Package. This class reviews the core concepts and then addresses the critical aspects involved with patient transfers under EMTALA. This class is best used to reinforce learning 3-6 months after our EMTALA Boot Camp. This course provides the advanced training necessary to fully comply with EMTALA. Emphasis is placed on key regulatory hot-points (seen in audits) using real-world examples. This EMTALA Training Class is recommended for ALL ED Physicians, APPs, ED Nurses and Healthcare Administrators with ED oversight responsibilities.

  • Domestic Violence (CME)

    5 Lessons
    • Domestic Violence (CME) - $89.00

    For all Emergency Department Clinicians - 2 hours. APPROVED for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Domestic Violence is prevalent in our society and essential for all emergency physicians and APPs to recognize. This class provides the training necessary to properly screen and assess for domestic or intimate partner violence.  Emphasis is placed on state regulation, patient privacy issues, HIPAA and interface with law enforcement. Our course allows you to learn at your own pace, with new, enhanced content and extensive enrichment resources. The Emergency Department Domestic Violence class is recommended for ALL ED nurses and emergency physicians.

Here's what people are saying

It was just great. She did a wonderful job. The staff is excited. You guys have been great to work with.
Director of Emergency Services - Idaho
The class was great, presenter had great energy and a breadth of knowledge. It was fun and exciting because we could tell that the presenter was passionate about her work.
RN - New Jersey
I would recommend this type of seminar at orientation.
RN - New Hampshire
Very applicable to everyday work.
RN - Texas
They gave an awesome class and I was proud to see that basically it was a refresher for my nurses. The patient satisfaction piece was very helpful. The script phrases were great. I appreciate your services!
Director, Emergency Services - Missouri
Gina was a wonderful teacher. I had no difficulty in getting the course set up. Excellent communication made everything go smoothly.
ED Nurse Manager - Princeton, New Jersey
This was one of the very best workshops I have ever attended.
RN - New York
The instructor was amazing. She is very energetic and presented the material in a fun and relatable manner.
RN - New York
This is how it should be.
RN - California
I recently attended a similar class at the ENA meeting. Yours was much better!
RN - New Hampshire